| - Service: Brazilian, Lower half leg, under arms waxing.
I felt that this place needed a solid review from a super picky person. Mind you, I can count how many times I've gotten a wax done, and mostly I've just gone to a sugar waxing place. So I don't have a huge tolerance for pain.
To start with, I loved that if you're there to get waxed, they take you to a separate waiting area in the back. That way you're not awkwardly getting up when they call you for a Brazilian in front the dude getting his brows done.
My appointment wasn't honoured at the exact time, but I liked that they didn't totally disregard that I was first. The lady who did it for me was really nice, and made it comfortable. Each salon has a different method of getting it done, but this was not awkward at all. It hurt, but beauty is pain right? I would have been happier to see that all of my hairs were gone, but home girl still left a few for whatever reason.. and thats never happened when I get sugar waxed. There was a lot of wax residue left all over there too.
Under arms no complaints. Legs were the same.. she missed a bunch of hairs.
Conclusion: If you plan on getting waxed every 4-6 weeks then I recommend it, but if you need to be completely hairless for whatever event, you're gonna end up using a razor.
Hope this was helpful!