| - Jesus, take the wheel. And all my money while you're at it.
But really, Sweet Jesus is the kind of place to hit up on a date. It's cute, it's quirky, and it's shamelessly self indulgent. I tried the Champagne Mami, a pineapple cider topped with whipped cream and lime zests, and it was really just okay - it almost tasted like apple cider, and wasn't worth the whopping $8 that it was.
I'm a huge fan of their paletas, and my boyfriend swears that their soft serve is great. But is it $6+ great? I'm not so sure. It's one of those places you'd hit up once, and maybe again to show off with your friends, but not really an ice cream go-to. I still prefer my Ed's Real Scoop over this place, any day.
Seating: Basically non existent (although you can try and grab a table at the La Carnita attached to it)
Prices: Out of this world ("Sweet Jesus! 8 bucks for this?")
Get: The paletas.
Tip: prepared for a LONG and slow lineup.