| - I've driven by many times, and was curious to try. The sausage roll is a pass, as are the mini quiches (spongy and bland).
I also had a small carrot cake, which was very good!
However, when I was presented the bill, I was shocked to find that when the cashier handed the ATM remote to me, I was presented with a TIP request, with no way out. I don't usually tip retail cashiers, but that is another story. There was no "exit" or "no thanks" option on the unit... just an amount that I had to select for the TIP amount. I was stunned. Took me a few minutes to realize that I had to type in a ZERO $ to get out of the menu, and process payment.
Crazy, and quite frankly, rude. Correct me, but what did the guy who put my cake in a bag do to deserve a tip?
On top of it all, the cashier then looked deeply when I handed it back, to see what tip I had given her.
Won't be going back!