| - Since my reviews were removed for "violating Yelp terms, I'm not going to let my previous review update be the last word. Edited to pass "Yelp Guidelines".
UPDATE #4: I did receive an email from someone that should not be named, stating that it was a "miscommunication with my insurance company about billing" and that the account was credited with the over billing. Well, for one thing, they communicate regularly with insurance, I understand mistakes happen, but a mistake that was over a year old and they never once contacted insurance to clarify the billing? Nope, not buying it. They have contracted allowable amounts, if the contracted amount is not enough to cover a service, then it's up to Paradise Ridge to renegotiate the amounts, not bill patients to try and cover the shortfalls. Not. My. Problem. Now, I want my overbilled $5 back. I won't hold my breath tho.
UPDATE #3: It's too bad I can't use a negative number for a rating. After my last round of billing "inaccuracies" in October, I had provided proof to their billing dept that my EOB statement shows I've already overpaid by a little less than $5 which I told them to keep because I really don't want any more communication with this place. I emailed (name redacted) and (name redacted) several times with my EOB and proof of what I had already paid. I was assured that this would be resolved. Yesterday (12/05/2017) I received yet another bill for the $76.40. AGAIN, I emailed them again. I'm REALLY sick of this crap and my next step to get this resolved is to go to the state and file a complaint or even better, maybe I'll call Gary Harper from 3 On Your Side. Very irritating and it's sad to see how far this place has fallen.
UPDATE #2: In June 2017 I had an apppointment that I ended up cancelling because as I mentioned "my preferred dentist" was no longer practicing and I did not like the other options for dentist. So I had not been in this office in approximately a year, since sometime in 2016. Yesterday (10/10/2017) I received a bill for $76+. I looked at this bill, no account number, no date of service and definitely no description of service. I don't even have the same insurance so I don't know if I would be able to even go back to them and see what was and was not covered. Typically the EOB will tell you what your portion of the bill would be and I've found that more often than not, what I was charged up front was more than what my insurance said I should have paid out of pocket. So without that on my side, now Paradise Ridge is telling me I owe them more money? I think not. I'm not paying this without a fight. Good luck to anyone still a patient there.
06-09-2017 UPDATE: I won't be back. Dr. P apparently is no longer practicing. Not sure of the reason but he was what was keeping me as a patient. The last couple of times I went I had another dentist who I won't name, but lets just say we didn't hit it off on the right foot at ALL.
The last time I was there he started lecturing me about the care of my teeth and I called "timeout".... did you bother to read my chart at all? uh, no. Well then, had you bothered to read it even for a second, you would've realized that many of the issues I'm having are not due to the lack of care. That was it for me, I'm done once I heard Dr. P wasn't practicing anymore.
Let me start by saying I don't like going to the dentist. I mean, I hate it... I LOATHE it. I told Dr. P. one time when I was there that I'd rather be in the ER for a broken leg. He thought I was kidding. I'm not. In spite of that fear, this place gets 5 stars from me.
Anyway, I've been going here for 3 or 4 years now. I gotta say, they make it almost bearable. :) The staff is always very nice, Lisa the dental hygienist is super gentle when cleaning my teeth and takes care to not snap that stupid floss up into my gums. I can't say how much I appreciate that.
Dr. P was my dentist for the first few years, and he was great, but as the practice expanded I was moved to Dr. H one time as Dr. P was on vacation. Dr. H ended up performing a root canal on one of my teeth. Just the words ROOT CANAL strikes fear into the hearts of most people. When I went in, I was in all seriousness, in a cold sweat. I told Dr. H at the very beginning how much I hated being there. He told me he was going to take his time and go nice and slow to lessen the pain, and he even described to me each step so I knew what was coming. Some people may not like that but it really helped calm me down. The worst part of the procedure was the Novocain shots at the beginning.
When I got done, I asked him, "that was it?".... it was that smooth and painless.
Now they've moved into a new office, it's a really nice place, bigger treatment rooms and more privacy.
Hopefully I will be able to continue to see these guys for years to come. They're that good.