This is comming from a Rhode islander that hasn't been to del's in over 4 years.
My girlfriend had heard about a del's being on the strip a few months back after searching high and low there was no sign of the lemon. Fast forward we hear about the grand bazaar shops here at Bally's and read that there will be a del's.
We come down today and sure enough there was the sing of the lemon!! FINALLY some thing escaped Rhode Island. This is where we encountered Jordan. He gave us a quick run down and explained the menu.
After taking the .2 seconds to decide to go with the original lemon flavor with a mix of liquid watermelon lemonade at Jordans recommendation. GUESS WHAT?? Now I was skeptical at first of the combo but is tastes just like tried and true watermelon del's from back home.
This little place has won me over and I will always return. 100% awesome execution!! Jordan is the man and I will be bring my out of town friends from back home here , as well as letting everybody from the east coast that's here in Vegas that they can finally stop at the sign of the lemon!!!