| - Ran into a flock of about 90 of these idiot drivers on DI and Paradise, obstructing traffic and driving unsafely in the name of "protesting". (They were using their own cars, rather than cabs, and had a bunch of signs and sandwich boards, and were driving with hazard lights on, refusing to let people merge, refusing to signal etc...)
Guess what? If you don't like your job? QUIT. The majority of people living in Las Vegas couldn't care less if there were less obnoxious, rude, uneducated, unsafe cab drivers on the roads. Without the Taxicab Drivers Gestapo, Las Vegas would likely have a decent transit system that a city of this size SHOULD have.
I, for one, would never ride with a company that employs people who so blatantly disregard the rules of the road like these drivers were today.