| - Oh Red Hot Robot! How shall I count the ways I love thee? It surely is in the dollar signs leaving my wallet. No longer do I resort to my regular two online stores for cutesy and disturbing vinyl goods.
Now, I've not been to some of the real brick and mortar giants in larger cities, but of the cities I have been to, Red Hot Robot has a lot going for it. This is no "art" gallery with a few boxes of Dunnies thrown in a corner on a wall. This is no record store with a case of Qees or some other random toys. This is one (yes, small) store with every inch of space holding books, magazines, plush, blind-boxed items, open blind-box items, customs, etc etc.
There is no better-than-you attitude in this store. Instead you'll find friendly, awesomeness amid a sea of fun. Just make sure you come prepared and TRY not to spend that whole paycheck.
Having ordered from them online before I moved out here recently I can also say their online store is first rate as well.