** Your safety could be at risk if you climb at this gym**
The owners of the gym are not climbers! They took over the ownership of the gym from a prior experienced gym owner.
All experienced climbers that worked for the gym have left the gym recently (after opening of Focus).
The only employees that appear to be working (and instructing) are the husband\wife owners and volunteers.
Climber safety is jeopardized by the inexperienced owners and lack of staff.
The two owners are difficult to understand when they speak. It is hard enough to learn how to belay properly from an articulate well spoken experienced employee!
There are no experienced climber\employees walking around the gym to watch to make sure new climbers are doing it right.
Many times new climbers end up asking other people at the gym now to belay properly after they have been instructed by the non-climber owners.
The flooring is also in terrible shape.
If you go bouldering at this gym, be sure to drag one of the additional pads with you are you could injure yourself on the many cracks and tears in the floor.
New routes at the gym are either very poor or non-existent.
The head route setter, and all other experienced setters, left the gym recently leaving no one to oversee the route setting.
The owners have resorted to asking anyone that wants to "volunteer" to set routes and boulder problems.
The poor route setting will not be readily apparent to new climbers but will be very evident if you have been around for awhile.
My suggestion if you are new to climbing... go to one of the other gyms to learn how to climb