| - I live right next to this place & only go here to buy cheap imported Chinese/Japanese/Korean ramen & cream biscuits. Everything else is just UGH. Terrible conditions inside. The whole place is a walking violation. Another yellow sticker/Conditional Pass? Really? Am I surprised? The vegetables were particularly expensive after they got this recent sub-par yellow rating. 'Ass-saver tax' or famine overseas where their veggies come from? IDK. SMH. Romaine lettuce was 2.19 each, a good-sized bundle of celery was the same price as the romaine (I swear it was 99 cents before. The price more than doubled!), leaf lettuce was 1.99 per head, green onions were 89 cents for a bundle of 5-6 individual sprigs (Spent over $8 on 9 green onion bundles! So ridiculous), etc. etc.
Moreover, I walked in on them one day last year or so-- getting yelled at for not making the cigarettes underneath the main customer service kiosk/express aisle invisible enough. Yes, gov't officials can be assholes & get their panties in a wad over virtually nothing but Food Depot got slammed with a $300 fine on the spot because this pissed off the gov't dude so royally, when he had taken things very easy on them in the past 5-10 visits. Tsk, tsk. Dozens of staff & they can't even maintain something as simple as closing a cabinet door with ciggies behind 'em? Yeesh! It IS a stupid law that's not gonna make anyone quit or not think about nicotine (if anything, the DAYLIGHT ROBBERY for a pack of smokes these days is the biggest deterrent) but the law's the law.
Once, I got milk & the bottom was filthy because they did not clean the display areas for the eggs, tofu, dairy, etc. Just wiped the bottom of my milk carton clean with a dampened lightly-soaped paper towel when I got home & went on with my life but why should I have to do that? It just looked careless on their part. Craptastic customer service.
Another incident saw me arguing with this cashier who assumed I was only buying $2-3 worth of snacks with my debit card (they had a $10 minimum for debit/credit purchases & just recently changed it to a 25-cent surcharge for purchases under $10). I repeatedly asked her nicely for 5 bus tokens-- which, by themselves came out to $13 at the time. When she realized her error, she didn't even apologize. She just took her rage out on the POS machine, pressing buttons hard enough to rub the numbers out & slamming the terminal onto the belt/not into my actual hands when giving it to me for entering my PIN & THEN violently hit the 'cancel' button on a transaction that was a hair above approved & restarting it just in case to cover her ass. The whole hoopla confused my online banking statement into regurgitating duplicate transactions/paying for the same things twice. I had to call CIBC to clear her mess up. Thank God she doesn't work there anymore. Shame she was pretty but had the attitude of Ann Coulter at a gay bar. Always tense & ready to snap like a frozen piece of taffy. Poor miserable bitch.