| - It's. TSA checkpoint... Not much more to say. Depends on the day and time you come through who is there and what kind of travelers they have dealt with. I came to this checkpoint because TSA dude at the main checkpoint said it would be faster, for up here and found just as long a line, moving just as slow. Again, will depend on timing. TSA staff have been courteous so far, but I try really hard to not give them a reason not to be. They have a tough job, people can be jerks, so I try to be as friendly as possible.
That being said, sometimes TSA agents just need to pull their head out of their arse. Like the agent discussing with an older gentlemen that he can't bring his knife. Explaining all his options, etc... Except instead of pulling him over to the side, he proceeded to have this conversation right in front of the belt where bags come out of the X-ray.... Meanwhile, people are blocked from getting their stuff, and people (and bags) begin to back up, and the aggravation on everyone's face begins to grow.... Common sense still applies.....