Ok so I love this bar on Thursdays typically because it's 2 for 1 drinks and it's usually beautiful.
Well last night was one of the worst experiences ever. The girl I ordered drinks from was so mean, didn't smile didn't say thank you or even look like she gave any cares about anything. And then I went to the restroom and it ran out of toilet paper so I kindly asked the security guard who was in front of the male restroom if he could get us some or ask another associate to get some for the ladies.
His response was I don't care about y'all I'm guarding the men's room and I'm not leaving and I don't care so no I'm not. I again said well we are woman we literally NEED toilet paper if you can please ask someone else to get us some that'd be great. Again he said "girl I'm busy I don't have time to get y'all drunk asses toilet paper stop asking leave me alone" I then went to one of the og bartenders who I know has been bartending there for a while and asked to speak to a manager about the situation and found out the very rude bartender who was serving me before was supposedly the manager. I understand this is a "college" bar but service is everything especially for me who has been in the industry for years and this was just SAD. I definitely will not be back any time soon, I'll just wait out the cycle of associates.