1:45 I called Turntable asking if I could see someone about my sore throat.
2:00 I walked down to the clinic and was offered tea while I waited.
2:06 My health coach (Andrew) brought me into a visitation room, asked me questions about my throat, and took my vitals.
2:23 My physician (Dr. Neil) came in, took a look at my throat, did a few tests including an instant test for Strep Throat (negative), talked me through was was going on, wrote a prescription, gave me tips to reduce my throat swelling, and answered all my questions
2:47 I walked out of Turntable.
2:55 I'm in my bed drinking plenty of fluids.
I consider myself a fairly healthy person and I still visit Turntable a few times a month for things like Yoga, Strength Training, and sessions with a social worker. It's also nice to know that when I'm legitimately sick Turntable has my back.