| - 12/9/2016
I usually enjoy getting Ian's salads for lunch. It's close to my office and the food quality is pretty decent. However, around lunchtime, the restaurant is mobbed. To navigate that, I have been trying to use their online ordering service. Epic fail.
First, Ian's doesn't know how to handle customers who have already ordered and paid online. There's no separate line for those orders to be fulfilled. Instead, you have to jump to the front of the line at the register that typically wraps all the way around to the door. That creates a very awkward position for the customer to be in. Online customers basically have to give the impression of being rude by cutting in front of the next customer in line. THEN, the system doesn't seem to tell the employee at the register whether or not the customer has paid. It ALSO doesn't tell them where the order originated from -- you are then asked what service you used to make the order (FourSquare, ChowHound,etc). I ordered through your website -- so whatever THAT is, is where it came from. If your system doesn't tell you that, your system sucks.
Even if you want to order a salad and wait in line -- it's a mess. Your salad usually ends up waiting for you as you wait in line for the multitude of pizza customers. This makes no sense. Invest in a register for the salad station and a tablet for the online orders to be picked up.
Streamline that process. If you don't, you are defeating the purpose of online ordering.
EDIT (2/22/2017):
Yeah -- this is STILL a mess. Ordered another chicken caesar salad online. Still, there is no separate line for orders that were placed through ChowNow. Again, the cashier had no idea that I had already paid. After explaining to him that I paid online, I asked him why Ian's can't get the online ordering figured out when Subway can. He asked "why the hell would you go to Subway?" Ummm....because THEY HAVE THE ONLINE ORDERS FIGURED OUT. Duh. When I got the salad back to my desk, I discovered that there was no chicken in it.
Thanks for wasting my entire lunch break with your disorganization and complete disregard for the customer experience. This is the last time I will eat here. This is OBVIOUSLY aimed at drunk college kids who don't care. Downgrading to one star.