Ok, so I finally found a suitable Jamaican restaurant worthy enough of my review. I've tried Royal Caribbean in East Liberty and I have to give a C grade. Been that I'm from DC I'm used to A+ Jamaican but Fireside gets a B+. I had the Oxtail with rice and peas and it as a lot of food and very good. Its located in Wilkinsburg on Penn and Center st right across from the Historic Penn-Lincoln hotel which might be why you can never find it when you search for it on Yelp. Their service was fast and courteous and very respectful. They only take cash which is ok because Pamela's do the same thing. Overall I enjoyed the food. I know Wilkinsburg gets a bad wrap but don't worry about the neighborhood, I've eaten in worse places in DC and most hole in the wall places make the best food. Check it out. I'm a Grad Student at Pitt so my word is golden. Have fun.