Golf courses in the summer time in arizona are a bit tough to grade because of the severe water restrictions most courses have in place. Most really nice ones take a step back in terms of course conditions while the ones that are affordable during the peak part of the season can be barely playable during the dog days of summer. Southern Ridge Golf course or as it was formerly known as Bougainvilla is unfortunately on the latter side. The value is here (I think we paid 15 a person on GolfNow) but Its hardly worth it. Aside from a few lush patches of fairway there is alot of hard dirt and gravel all waiting to greet you if hit one off the fairway or in a "sand" trap. We played in the heart of the summer and course conditions aside the layout is a bit of a head scratcher. It seemed like the par 3's were a bit lengthy yet the 4's and 5's werent all that long or challenging. Oh and not to mention a nice long par 3 to start off the back 9. Huh? If you have to play a course in this area try Vistal or Aguila, both slightly more expensive but definitely worth it.