I'm rooting for this place, I really want it to succeed. All the ingredients are there but I can't see how they can sustain business without making some changes.
It's unclear to me who their target demographic is. As a local resident it doesn't feel like they've priced them selves for my business or the business of my neighbours. I don't mean to take away from the food and beer, they're fairly good but I can't imagine people travelling from other areas of the city for it. The shortfall in value is only compounded by the high bar set by other restaurants and pubs within short walking distance (Lake Inez, Eulalie's Corner Store, Bodega Henriette, etc.) and the difference is conspicuous. It should also be noted that Godspeed has already raised pricing since the menu was posted to yelp.
They are also only open until 11pm where other options remain open until 12-2am on weekends.
All this said they don't seem to have much difficulty filling tables. It's possible that they are enjoying a honeymoon phase thanks to all the pre-opening buzz.
My fingers are crossed for some changes. I really want to like this place, they've simply priced themselves out of justification.