I first used Hannah for my toddler when he was around 18m and we were having trouble going from two naps to one. She easily fixed our problem with a few minor tweaks. Then I had my second child who in my mind was the worst sleeper ever. He would wake up multiple times during nap, multiple times at night, and I would have to rock him for an hour to even get him to sleep in the first place. I knew sleep training was hard though and I kept making up excuses on why I didn't want to do it yet. Come seven months later and I was going crazy with a kid who never slept and was always overtired. So I enlisted the help oh Hannah once again. She ensured me that we would have him sleeping in no time and I almost didn't believe her... I mean I can't get him to sleep in under an hour there was no way he was going to sleep on his own. I defiantly had my doubts and if it did work I figured I would be spending my nights listening to him cry and I would probably be crying too. I remember a few days before we started I went and read all Hannah's reviews because surely none of the kids she helped were as bad as mine. Wrong! I loved reading all the success stories and picked a date. The first night he cried 20min, the next nap 9 min and pretty much from then on he was falling asleep completely on his own with no crying. I was shocked!!!!!! In less than 24hrs my horrible sleeper was falling asleep on his own and staying asleep. I'm still in shock. I paid for the week of texting which was amazing, anytime I had an inclining of doubt in the program Hannah was there to encourage me. Within one week my horrible sleeper was sleeping 12hrs at night and napping 3-4hrs during the day. I finally can take a shower in the morning, I started eating breakfast again, and I even get to talk to my hubby at night! I still can't believe it, and I REALLY wish I did it sooner. My entire family is happier now that we all get our rest. Hannah is so amazing- I just can't say enough about her program and most importantly that it actually works.