I have to hand it to the folks at Eastside Cannery or should I write "Eastside Shenaniganry" for there Free Promotions advertising giving away free night of which in just past year comes to over 20 nights on them!
Which is as it turns out is BOGUS! I love to gamble and maybe more than the average person as I do do my taxes to reflect my gambling habits (and yea I'm way ahead).
I have tried along with my girl Tasia who plays almost as much as I do to book their "Free" nights on them and have never gotten a room not for even one night! Their excuses are "We are having a senior citizen softball team and are booked up" so I say how about another night? "No we are at 85% occupancy and can't extend the offer and are booked til the end of the month" (btw this is an actual quote making my promotional benefit not worth the paper I had printed it on.
Okay I get maybe once twice even three times depending on the season but to turn me away after more than 15 attempts between me and my girl makes me question their ethics and the way they treat guest staying or gambling with them.
So beware and don't be fooled with their "Free Nights" cause you aren't going to get them.
They offer the stay's and then make you feel like you have to beg for it just so they can say we are booked for the night all along with an empty parking lot.
Profiling? Maybe. Unethical? Definitely!