Our family doctor recommended this practice. Our first visit was 5 minutes of a pregnancy test and paperwork. I never saw a doctor. The second appt was for my first ultrasound. I was 7 weeks. They found that they baby stopped growing at 5 weeks. We were devastated. They asked to take my blood to check my levels just in case my dates were off. We came back two days later on a Friday.
We mourned for TWO days. We go and they tell us that my levels were at 5 weeks. So they might have my dates wrong. They took more blood because I actually still may be pregnant. They said they would rush my blood and personally call us. They close at 3. We never heard from them on Friday until my husband called and had to beg to get the results. My levels were dropping. They tell us to take this pill at home with emailed instructions.
I didn't want to take the medicine. I wanted a dnc. I couldn't handle being at home and going through that. We called back to get the dnc. They told us to wait until Monday to schedule it. REALLY! I have to wait more time because you waited to call us. They have been the most unprofessional people ever! We had to call the answering service three times to get help.
Our first daughter is 8 and we NEVER had issues like this. Go to Contemporary Care for Women. These offices only care about money and their own schedule. Not what is good for their patients. They didn't seem to care that I had to wait over a week to schedule a dnc.
Worst time of my life!