I've been pleased with Bluebird since my 2 boys started in May of 2012. Certainly they are not perfect but I find the staff easy to work with, professional, and they genuinely seem to like working there. My older son is a handful and has some behaviour issues and the staff there were quite adept at managing him and very willing to work with him and us as a family during some difficult days/situations. He learned more at BB than he did in jk at the local school. My younger son took some time to adjust from the small home daycare he came from, but he now loves it. He's had some speech issues but in the past year his speech has improved leaps and bounds from where he started - no doubt in part to his preschool and their approach to learning, acceptance and understanding of his delay. My daughter will eventually go there as well. They are not cheap, but nowhere is in our neighborhood and they seem to be charging upper market rate. Between my 3 kids we've had various different care experiences and Bluebird has been positive. They put on a great show for the parents 2x/year, which the kids love and participate in wholeheartedly.