Went into David's Bridal this morning to look for bridesmaids dresses, with an appointment. We walked into an extremely chaotic store with a few young girls at the front who looked like they were very frazzled. We stood there for a few minutes without getting greeted or paid attention to at all. After getting greeted, we overheard one of the consultants say to another "you really want ME to help with bridesmaids dresses?". Oh great, we thought. This will be pleasant. From beginning to end (which was about 30 minutes before we just walked out) our consultant was so unhelpful that we were left confused on what to do or where to go. We were crammed into a tiny dressing area with a bunch of other women which made for an awkward "trying on process". I felt so badly for my bridesmaids that they only tried on one dress before I told them we were leaving. Bridal or bridesmaids dress shopping is supposed to be a fun experience and I left this store so disappointed and unimpressed. I've already made a new appointment at a smaller boutique for next weekend. Avoid this or any David's Bridal shops.