This restaurant is usually filled after 6PM. However, waiting time is usually short if you're not at the back of a line coming out the door.
The menu is not extensive in the sense of a pho restaurant that ranges from soups to rice to appetizer and etc etc. They have roughly 10 soups with another page of cold dishes and another page of skewers.
The main language spoken here is Mandarin. This honestly throws me and the waitresses off as when I order I speak Cantonese and they sometimes answer me with a big question mark. BUT they are proficient in English & if worse comes to worst and they don't mind if you point at the menu itself to order.
I ordered the beef soup. If you cannot finish a medium at pho - do not get a large here. They bring you a huge bowl with a pile of hand pulled noodles topped with a variety of meats. The soup base is so flavourful and it does not seem like they use MSG. It comes out steaming out and it's perfect for a cold late night.
I also ordered the skewers and although I liked them and their flavouring - I didn't think they were worth their price.
The cold chicken with hot sauce comes with a peanuty/bean sauce splashed on top. It didn't taste like much to be honest.
The restaurant has 3-4 servers running around taking orders - which means service and delivery of food is very efficient. They also give you water with lemons - which I thought was a nice touch.
My ever-so-helpful boyfriend just nodded when I asked him what he thought of his soup.
Overall the price does match the quality as you will walk out of there stuffed for roughly $20.
This is not a quality restaurant during nights - you go in, you eat, and then you leave. It's not a "let's talk this over for an hour after we've finished eating (old asian parents style)" type of restaurant.
I will definitely be back this winter.