This store is the worst, It's accuallly worse than Walmart.
They have 0 organics. The store brand products are the worst ever
They clain that they will beat any store by at least $.01 penny, witch is a lie . I have found things at wallmart for up to half of the price. Giant eagle has meats that cost less. I have even found the axact product at another store for a dollar less. The only way this store is cheaper than any other is in quality. I must admit they do beat all other stores in thier poor quality. It is only a glorified convenience store.
Also be carefull of the cashiers, I have heard them talking about how they cheat customers out of correct change when thier draw doesn't contain enough of whatever coin they need. I even used cash and I was shorted . The change was supposed to be $.20, and the cashier gave me $.10. Or maybe counting to 20 must have been difficault.