| - This place is big. Very, very big. I recently attended NACS, and was duly impressed by the show floor layout. However, the actual convention center seems outdated and in need of some remodeling. Meeting rooms were basic, with the attendant HVAC issues - either too cold or too hot. Ditto the show floor temps, which edged towards uncomfortably warm late in the afternoon.
For this show, my company booked the adjoining hotel Westgate, which made for relatively easy access, about a fifteen minute walk to the North Hall. I'll be back next week for another show, this time staying on the Strip, so I'll report back on any issues or improvements.
Restrooms are weird, location-wise, but generally clean with plenty of paper towels available. Food options are extremely limited, especially for those with allergies. If you are gluten free, remember to bring your own snacks, otherwise you'll either go hungry or have to eat offsite. If you do venture off campus for lunch, go at an off-peak time when the taxi lines are shorter.