| - This place is a dive. Now before you think that casts a negative light, let me tell you what a "dive" means to me. This is a bar that has been in place for decades. You can feel the history of the personalities and the happenings as you sit there. There are several "notorious" locals who sit in varying spots who are open friendly, and more than willing to provide you with some "color and atmosphere". Everyone roots for the local team, and will kid you over your "tourist" status, but not in a mean way, just in a "getting to know you" way. The atmosphere is dim, perhaps even "dank", but this just adds to the comforting feel of the establishment. If what your looking for is a brightly lit, "Shennanigans" or "Beefalo Wild Things" feel, then you will sadly be disappointed. Fortunately though, I wont, and neither will the other patrons if you choose to move on.