I don't know what to say. The first time me and my friend went, it was awesome. They really seem to work out the kinks even though it is somewhat painful, they really get the knots out. And $40 for full body massage walk in is decent, right? The second time I went, get ready! I think the guys name was pronounced Nee how. And I thought it was weird that he was going down the front of my pants and copped a clit feel and then during the breast massage, he squeezed my nipple. I thought that was a little much. And I am pretty sure my hand grazed his penis on several occasions. Was it weird that he gave me an an Eskimo kiss at the end. Yes. Was it weird that he went in for a hug at the end? Yes. Was it weird that he tried to kiss me afterward? Yes!!! It was pretty weird. Besides the sexual advances, it was what I expected. Is the "happy ending" an option here? I didn't want to find out! Eek!