| - I want to start this out by saying my surgery by Dr. Armendariz went great and that this review is in no way a reflection on him as a surgeon. However, that being said, the nursing staff at Gateway Surgery Center were a hot mess to a dangerous degree.
Just a few minutes before wheeling me into the room for surgery someone happened to glance at my medicine allergy wristband and said "Wait, you're allergic to latex? Why didn't anyone tell me that?" and rushed off to the room to make some concerningly last minute changes. Later, as I was very foggy while coming out from anesthesia, another nurse laid a cracker on my chest and told me to eat it for nausea. I happen to have a deathly gluten allergy that I carry an Epi-Pen for 24/7, which is something I stated and reiterated on all my registration paperwork. Despite being half conscious, I managed to tell her this and her only response was "Your wristband doesn't say that," and leaving with the cracker. The last nurse I dealt with before leaving instructed me to take a Percocet as soon as I got home despite me just having just been given one by another nurse maybe 10 minutes before and then acted very defensively when my mother (who was of much more sound mind at the time) told her this. I then mentioned that my right eye hurt a lot and my vision was unusually blurry. She insisted that I had been scratching it constantly (which was blatantly untrue) and suggested that I had probably gotten a mosquito bite on my eye since I had arrived (which is just a really weird thing to say?) I heard her outside insisting to the anesthesiologist that I had just been scratching at my eyes which is when he came in immediately to let me know that the actual situation was that they had taped down my eyelids during surgery so they wouldn't dry out and that it appeared the tape had irritated my skin. His professionalism was refreshing in comparison, to say the least.
Overall, they got done what needed to be done, but if you have any serious allergies, I HIGHLY recommend having someone with you with knowledge of those allergies who can speak on your behalf because these nurses seem to be only vaguely concerned with their patients' wellbeing. Just a very disappointing experience overall and I plan to speak to my doctor about it directly at my follow up appointment.