We went here for the Halloween party. All of all the nights to go, we figured this would be the best one. Just out of curiosity to see it. It was crazy packed. We paid the $30 "donation" to enter as a couple and brought our own 6-pack of beer. (It's BYOB and you hand it over to the bartender.) Thankfully, I had read up on the website. Otherwise, we would've known absolutely nothing. Upon entering, we were not told a single thing. Nothing about the alcohol. Nothing about the rules. The rules are clearly stated on the wall - "no means no". And my assumption going in was that it was "safe" and consent was a must. But in making our way through the massive crowd to the bar, I experienced lots of unwarranted and un-asked for touching. It was extremely rude and a major no-no. Perhaps this was just because it was so crowded and probably full of non-regulars? But I also blame "management" for not telling people anything upon walking in. I don't care what kind of place it is, you need to respect personal space and ask for consent. I was livid. And we left almost immediately. Complete waste of money and no fun was even slightly had. This is not a place that puts safety and consent first. Methinks not indeed. Never ever ever ever again.