| - I am a former employee as of this week. I worked here for 6 months, and gave 110% to this company during my time here. On Thursday, January 12, 2017, during my shift, we were visited by the owner, Shane. We were struck by a heavy lunch rush which kept me occupied for about an hour, after which Shane left the store. I went to the back of the store to check my phone. I saw a photo I did not remember taking saved in my gallery. Upon opening the photo for a better view, I recognized the person in the photo as Shane. I showed the photo to my manager and she checked the security footage. On video, we saw Shane not only picking up my phone, but rummaging through not only my purse, but my manager's as well.
My manager proceeded to call Kabi, the co-owner of our location. He confronted Shane on the matter to which Shane explained my phone had been ringing and he was simply silencing it, which would have been believable had my phone been in service at all. I received no apology from Shane and was instructed by my superiors to "keep the situation quiet" and forget it happened.
Never in my 9 years in the working force have I ever felt so violated or hurt. I quit a few days after due to the fact I no longer felt comfortable at my job.
Please reconsider giving your business and hard earned money to this location.