Wooooo! Fry's is awesome. There are no Fry's back in Massachusetts, where i'm from. This store is mighty large. Huge selection. I have been twice since moved out here.
First time I bought a Garmin nav. Good price. Only a few bucks more than amazon.com. Product works as needed around LA, NYC, and Las Vegas.
Second visit earlier today I picked up 2 new LCD TV's for my apartment. Happy Hanukkah to me. Price was cheaper than any online retailers including amazon.com. Sales clerk did not mention accessories once and I asked briefly about mounting brackets. He did try sell me the service plan on one of the TV's for 2 years. It's ok. I wanted it because one of the TV's will be on a lot.
I wheeled them upfront and my main man Adrian was there to help load them in my car! No clue how we got the larger one in the back seat but we did. It was more work later on in the day to take it out.
Haven't plugged the TV's in yet to see if they work but I assume they do. Fry's is just as good if not a little better than Best Buy. Check em out.