I ran into this place last minute on a Sunday to get a polish change. I had never set foot in the salon prior to this particular day so this place was totally new to me. I decided to I wanted SNS nails since I needed something that would last. There was a price list at the front counter which displays all services and the cost (important detail). The lady at the counter led me to a basket to choose an SNS color, which I did. Once I was seated at the designated section I was approached by the lady that would complete my nail services. She was extremely dry and was not the least bit personable, but that definitely wasn't my problem. I gave her the color chosen from the basket provided to me and we discussed that I wanted SNS. Her response "You know that's $45, right?" (Mistake #1 talking to me as if $45 will break the bank) I replied, "of course...why would I request it without knowing that upfront." Needless to say things will only go downhill from here. She walks away to get my color and returns and says "You picked wrong color, this is gel. Do you want gel or not?" I had to pause to keep my composure, considering I chose a color from the basket that was provided. (Mistake #2 Speaking to me in a aggressive tone with poor delivery.) At this point I really should have paid them for polish removal and proceeded to my car, BUT I did not. I chose another color, gave it to the "person" delivering the service and decided to get it over with.
Now I have been getting my nails done for over half of my life so why she felt the need to keep saying "relax yo hand" and patting my hand was beyond me. It seemed at this point we acknowledged we didn't care for each other and we both wanted this experience to end.
Soooo...the finished result was not bad but horrible, rude staff will never get my money twice. I really wish I could share the name of this "person", but unfortunately she did not identify herself and at that moment I had already named her in my head (Lord forgive me). She was at the last station by the sink and drink fountain...which probably doesn't help any.
Long story even longer...I do not recommend this place. One bad apple can spoil the bunch and this lady was a very bad apple. I don't want to make an assumption but her behavior gave me a racist vibe which in my 40 years of living I am VERY skilled in identifying overt racist behavior. Unfortunately 1 star is the lowest I could give...