| - I regret I didn't read the reviews before trying to use this company. I was referred to it by a friend, she was happy with them, but I really don't know how. Communication is very hard in all means with them. Many times we call, they don't answer, and when they answer, they are constantly rude. I was never sure when they would show up for the first time, and very insecure I could leave my pool without having to treat myself. When they come, they dont stay more than 10 min, and actually I dont know if they did anything. In the second week of their "service", my pool was GREEN from initial blue. Calling them to complain or know what was happening, they were rude with my wife, said it was our fault the pool was green and we even had to pay for the two weeks service. You might have a better luck, but I am deleting their number from my phone and want distance from them.