THIS GYM SUCKS. I saw on google that there are more than 500+ complaints about their contract that they make you sign.
Their contract is so unreasonable and scamming. They're such nazi's about how their contract works and are so douchey about it too. I tried to freeze my membership and they tell me i should've give them a written notice a month ahead. And then since I'm calling on the 1st day of the month, they can't give me a refund for the whole month. It's the 1st...and I won't be using the gym for a whole month. but they can't give me refund? Plus they have this ABC financial department they keep forwarding you to deal with money related problems, so they won't have to deal with the complaints.
Why is the contract for a GYM worse than signing a contract for a job? I need to give them special notices a month before freezing my account or canceling my account. This guy I talked to on the phone told me "Well there's people who pay 2year membership prior and still don't use the gym and have no complaints. So what are you saying?"
And if I were to cancel the gym membership due to moving, than I have to give them a PROOF of change in residency somehow. really? Who are these people!
CLEARLY, this gym is a corporate that are for themselves and nothing about the customer's satisfaction. They don't care wether you like the gym or not. They don't care for you to like their product and stay a loyal customer or comeback to them. THEY DON'T CARE. They just want that money you pay for the membership and the cancelation fee in the end. Bet I could quit a job faster than quitting this gym.
ALSO, your membership AUTOMATICALLY renews after your year-long contract ends. If you don't want this to happen..guess what you have to do? MAIL the ABC office. The lady I spoke to at ABC told me that this specific Gold's Gym location doesn't allow any adjustment or cancellation of your membership to be done via E-mail. what is this, the 80's? So you HAVE to send COPIES of your proof/documents via MAIL. They just made it almost impossible for you to quit. Bravo, well done slavery contract Epic center gold's gym. I was a member of the Rhode Island location but it wasn't THIS bad. Joining this gym was probably the biggest mistake i've ever made.