I just have to share.
A week ago my 2010 JCW Mini Cooper started sounding like a diesel when starting and if I let the clutch in at low revs, it sounded like something was groaning/waling until up to speed.
I took it to LeSueur Car sales to have them look at it versus the dealer because of when I was looking for a used Mini they were outstanding (I didn't buy my Mini from them though).
Anyway, they worked on it most of the day and were planning to keep it overnight as they couldn't find the cause and had to remove some parts to see the last motor mount. 30 minute later they called and it was fixed. They found a socket from some old oil change or something that managed to get lodged into the motor mount! LOL!
They only charged me $46, which I think was a steal.
I would have never found the issue, and I'm sure if I took it to a real Mini Dealer it would have been much more and wouldn't have found the issue either.
Really happy LeSueur's mechanics are so dedicated and kept at it till they figured out the sound source!