| - I had a mixed experience the one time that I went to Studio Z. I was going on broke, but really needed a haircut and eyebrow wax on the cheap. Studio Z had 1/2-off haircut coupons for first time clients, so that's where I went.
The front desk was full of very pretty, busy, important-looking men. I stood there, waiting to sign in, until one of them took note of my existence. Rather than asking my name, they asked who my stylists were. Uhh...what? I don't know. I know they mentioned the names when I was booking, but I didn't write that down. *siiiiiiigh*, now they have to look it up this way instead. Gosh, sorry I'm so stupid and didn't understand your process which no other spa/salon in the world uses. This didn't bother me too much until just now, when I reflected on the experience.
My eyebrow wax was first. A nice looking lady came out to get me. She was dressed well and had her hair back, except for a long, pretty curl hanging out near the front. She sat me in one of the chairs they use for washing hair, so my head was tilted way back. She then proceeded to do my wax.
Problem #1: Her hands (and clothes, hair, etc, but particularly her hands) REEKED of cigarettes. I'm not a smoker, but I know smokers, and their hands don't smell like that. I don't know if she really smokes that much, or if she never washes her hands...but I don't want to think about that.
Problem #2: The curl was hanging *in my nose* the entire time she was working on me. It kept brushing back and forth between my nose and mouth. I'm glad I was there relatively early in the morning, because I shudder to think of all the people's faces that curl had already been in otherwise.
Between the two, I really started to feel nauseous. She was holding a conversation with a young boy the entire time, which I thought was a little unprofessional, but whatever.
My haircut was with a girl named Rae (Ray, maybe?). She was very nice and professional. She gave me a great haircut, didn't over-style it (y'know, sometimes you walk out of a salon looking like a poodle because of stylist overzealousness), and it's still looking good about a month later.
The front desk was weird again while I was paying. The older lady who ran my credit card gave me the total due and said, "Is that all you want to put on there?," which is usually a hint that they would like for you to include a tip in some way, shape or form. I told her to please add x-amount of money. At this point, she handed me the money I requested to be added to the card in cash with no further explanation.
"What's this for?" I asked, obviously confused.
"You asked for cash back, did you not?" she said.
" be added for a tip on the card. Isn't that what you were asking?"
"Right. And we have mailboxes for each employee with little tip envelopes that you can use."
OH. Well. Thanks for the info. :p
It was just so weird. I've been to more than a few salon/spas before and it's never been so confusing. Plus, at other places, the staff (especially the front desk staff) seem to be trained in being courteous to the customer.
I might go back, but that's only because they gave me more coupons toward other services.