CROOKED CASY. We pre-registered my son then decided not to enroll him after touring the facility and moving more than 30 miles from the preschool. The owners used our account information and charged us the $997 for tuition even though we decided NOT to enroll my son and they were provided with notice that he would not attend. After multiple attempts to have them reverse the charge, the owner Diane and John, still felt it was justified to charge us for childcare they would never provide. To make it even worse, we provided CASY with enough notice to fill my son's spot and they still charged us, and the other family. Greedy. Some family business you are running. When we toured I saw dirty and outdated toys, carpet, and rooms. Broken concrete outside and sun rotted toys. No wonder they had 15 citations at the most recent site visit. One citation was for staff leaving an opened bottle of ibuprofen in an area accessible by children. Citations for chipped floors, tears in couches, staff not having proper training or documented TB screenings. More citations for unlabeled medications, chemicals left out... Check for yourself
Seems like this family-run business forgot what their mission was. Taking money from families when they don't ever provide the services and they were provided with enough notice to fill the spot. We thought they would do the right thing and refund our money or at least buy the kids there some new toys and clean the dirty carpet. Seems like they just used the money to fill their pockets.