I made the mistake of confusing this company with Arizona Moving and Storage, which is a highly rated BBB company - this is NOT THAT COMPANY. They estimated how many movers and trucks it would take over the phone and WAY under-estimated. They also told me there would be no extra charge to move my piano, and no extra charge for moving pads, etc ( but there would be a charge for plastic if they needed it). when the day arrived, they changed the story on the piano, and charged me $100 extra. Plus, even though they brought plenty of pads, they did not use many of them, and charged me over $300 for plastic. The 4 men they sent worked really hard, but it was too much for them, and they were clearly not experienced movers. It took 14 hours to complete the move, and they damaged about a dozen pieces of my wood furniture (some quite badly), and packed some of the cloth furniture in with outdoor furniture, which apparently had some water in it, and dripped all over some of my cloth furniture and stained it. their damage policy says you have to point the damage out right when they drop off the furniture, but with 4 men moving things, and me moving smaller things, there was just no way to examine every item as it came in the door, so I didn't discover the majority of the damage until later. They also parked their truck on my paver-driveway, and it leaked oil on my driveway, which looks horrible. Oh, and did I mention they had to be paid in CASH before they would release the last of my furniture? The ultimate result was that move cost close to double what they quoted me over the phone and there is thousands of dollars worth of damage to my furniture.