| - My Dear Butterwood,
I'm still in love with you and think you have the most delicious cakes on this planet and the most adorable space in which to enjoy them. And one of your charms is the fact that you are open late, making you a great post-date-night spot to grab dessert and coffee. But Butterwood....don't be open late if you keep running out of desserts before closing!! The last four (count 'em, FOUR) times I have been here after 9, your dessert case has been nearly wiped out (the last two times, in fact, it was literally *empty* save for one sad-looking piece of honey bread). What's the point of being open late if you consistently run out of desserts to offer your cake-loving customers?! I would think by now you should be able to have a better idea of your customer flow (I'm no business whiz, but it's painfully obvious to me as a frequent customer that you do not regularly keep sufficient quantities of desserts on hand to fulfill demand for an entire weekend day).
Now Butterwood, I'll give you one more chance, both because I love you and because I think I might have a diagnosable cake addiction disorder. But if you expect me to continue to spend approximately 95% of my bi-weekly paycheck on your cakes, I'm going to need you to start keeping your case stocked during ALL of the times that you are open. Otherwise, you might as well just close early and save us the trouble of making the trek only to be continually disappointed.
Still your biggest fan (for now),