I truly wanted to like the counter. A burger joint within minutes of home that didn't have a clown as its mascot? Sounded good to me. Sadly though the reality of the counter is that in 4 visits they screwed up our orders 3 times out of 4. Fairly incredible when you consider that the kitchen is working from customer filled-out checklists.
Once when we were in we were one of 3 occupied tables. The food took almost 30 minutes to arrive once ordered. Another time one of the management was at the entrance and was angrily trying to either get the attention of or berate a member of the staff. He did so by raising his hand in the air and repeatedly snapping his fingers at the staffer in full view of the entire restaurant. that sort of thing should be kept behind the scenes. It just made the manager look like an imbecile.
On my fourth and final visit I had to send back a burger that I had ordered medium-well that arrived on the rare side of medium. The waiter looked at the burger and said "Our medium well is like that." Their medium-well? I was sort of flabbergasted and simultaneously amused by the thought of arbitrary meat temperatures, it would save restaurants having to re-cook items. "No ma'am, OUR chicken, unlike other establishments birds, are fully cooked when pink, not to worry."
I won;t be going back, when I get a jones for a really good burger I'll drive the extra 8 minutes to Big Daddy's Burger Bar on East Blvd.