I have been to Alley Cat on three occasions within the past year and I can say that I have had a good experience each time.
The best part of Alley Cat for me has been the drink prices. On a friday night, I was paying 3 bucks for a gin and tonic and 4 dollars for tequila shots. Needless to say, this is a double edged sword, but it is nice to be able to go downtown and not spend 7 dollars on a liquor drink on weekends.
The crowd here seems to be upper 20's early 30's from what I have seen.
The bar staff is very good and they seem to enjoy what they are doing as opposed to some other places downtown where ordering a drink is looked upon as an inconvenience.
I echo Alan S.'s concern about the handwasher. I don't know how many times this guy called me buddy or "my friend" but it was a little aggressive/excessive. When I am using the restroom at a bar, I am not there for chit chat or friendship. Its a nice gesture to employ these people who might not be able to find employment elsewhere, but they need to tone it down a bit.
Good bar, good people, annoying handwasher