For me delivery pizza is its own thing, and Falbo is a favorite. I have to admit up front that I will order a thin crust cheese, and when It shows up I'll throw some faux pepperoni on it and stick it under the broiler for a bit. Be that as it may, there is much to love about their pizza:
The crust it crispy and chewy and is not sweet. As someone enamored with their own pizza crust achievements at home, I love theirs. Make no mistake, this is not your pizza fired at 1000 degrees for 6 minutes using a Neapolitan dough, but it's damned good crust.
I love their sauce. It's thick and loaded with dried oregano and basil. I assume they use canned Marzano tomatoes and cook everything down for a long time, but maybe that's fantasy. I like their sauce for what I get from the taste. And I taste good tomato and oregano and basil, and I am happy.
And if you're a freak like me who can't wait to slide 4 slices out of the box, load them up with fake pepperoni and stick them into a broiler, you'll be happy. I'm sure other delivery pizza folks will love them too.