| - Honestly I'm livid. Here's the deal, I'm minding my own business waiting for my extra large triple cheese light sauce pizza. Doorbell rings, I'm instantly turned on, I'm ready to munch. I swiftly run down the stairs light as a feather and elated. I open the door, riddled with anticipation. The man doesn't even say hi, whatever. I say hi, whatever. He hands me a bag of pop and dip, creamy garlic, OBV. I place it on the ground. He reaches into the bag for my pizza, I get butterflies. All of a sudden, the butterflies are DEAD. This man has the audacity to present me with a medium pizza. I politely decline, "I ain't eatin dat". We discuss the situation. Remember when Fred Flintstone gets kicked out by the Sabre tooth tiger or whatever? It was kinda like that. I call Pizza Nova back and give them the scoop. They didn't even offer to give me a years free supply of pizza as compensation. Like??? Anyway, I felt guilty enough sending pizza man away even though he gave me hella attitude, but they should have offered me a deal for now having to wait another 40 mins for their mistake. Pizza Nova? More like Pizza No Good-Va.
*UPDATE* the new pizza arrived and when I wanna ent to pay he said it's free, all is rectified