Phoenix Quality Rentals are anything but quality. All you have to do is look around the business to see that their equipment is old and tired. Old, worn-out equipment is likely to fail or have a part fall off, in which case you may find yourself having to return the equipment immediately or incur the cost of repair. One situation waste your time and the other cost you money. I speak from experience.
Another area of liability bears mentioning. The big box equipment rental companies like Home Depot or Sun have strict requirements regarding vehicle power and hitch strength when renting their tow-able equipment. The Phoenix staff, on the other hand, will agree that no matter what you drive or what sort of hitch you have, it's quite capable of towing whatever you want to rent. To take this verbal advice could leave you wide open to a lot of liability should your hitch fail or your vehicle prove inadequate for the task and cause an accident.
Do yourself a favor, rent from the big name stores that have up-to-date equipment, strict policies designed to protect you and the equipment plus deep pockets from which to settle any claims that might arise from negligence not your own.