Like 'The Spotted Dick' and 'Peridot' across the street, this store has always baffled me. :-?
Why? Or more importantly HOW, is this store still in business? I can understand the Women's makeup, perfumer/cologne and maybe the accessories sections as they are right there on the main/second floor when you walk off the street. But seriously who was the last person who bought a Washer/Dryer machine from this location?
I had a gift certificate for The Bay a while ago and I decided to go a few times to see what I would like to purchase and I found and have always found this store *almost* deserted on every floor both of staff and customers alike.
The merchandise and the presentation seems to be completely out of touch with most people. The Bay tries to go for a slightly above middle class vibe, yet the place screams "prettied up Zellers." So they lack the luster and cache of Yorkville, however it is as if they want to be seen as Holt Renfrew's small brother, which they are not.
However that approach this not work for Simpsons or Eaton's. No wonder we lost The Bay to the US a few years ago. They just have not kept with the times.
I personally avoid this store.