Samples! Samples! Did someone say free samples? I love popcorn. I still buy a 3 pack of Cracker jacks from time to time. Fiddle Faddle brings me back to sneaking a box in mom's bag when we went to the stock car races on Saturday nights. So maybe I have an unusual love affair with sugar coated popcorn. Eating a whole 3.00 bag was definitely cheating on someone, I'm not sure who. But our romance will not soon end. Not with flavors such as cordial chocolate cherry (with real dried cherries), cake batter, and jalapeno cheddar. The sweet and lovely owner denies that there are any nutritional facts to divulge about the popcorn, but I'm pretty sure that if I ever get caught eating a three dollar bag, I'll be in sugar divorce court. It would be worth the hassle though. Fresh and sweet popped goodness, cheap.