| - No, really. It's a place that sells just firewood. I kid you not. It's one of those businesses you didn't really know you needed, until you needed it.
We bought a house last Spring, equipped with a fireplace. Around Christmas time, we wanted to light it up for the friends and family who would be staying with us.
I've always used the bags of wood they sell at convenience stores. But I noticed this place along my daily commute -- a firewood place -- and decided to check it out.
It's basically just a fenced in lot with a shelter that functions as the office, and huge piles of cut wood and several wheelbarrows of bagged logs. Some men were busily sawing hunks of wood into more manageable logs, and tossing them into the piles.
The logs are divided by tree type, and priced differently. I remember seeing pecan, orange wood, juniper, pine, and hardwoods, among others. The man in charge helped me choose what I needed -- a combination of juniper to get the fire started and for the scent, and some hardwood to make it last a long time. One of the guys who was sawing loaded three huge bags of wood into my truck for me.
The prices were a bit higher than at the convenience store. But I feel like it was a good investment and will definitely go back when we run out.
Oh, and you can also buy jerky there too. I hear it's really good, but haven't tried it myself.