| - "Soup du jour,
Hot hors d'oeuvres,
Why, we only live to serve.
Try the grey stuff.
It's delicious!
You don't believe me? Ask the dishes!"
Ahh! The Wynn Buffet is SOOOO GOOD! It reminds me of the "Be Our Guest" scene from Beauty and the Beast.
"Beef ragout,
Cheese souffle,
Pie, and pudding 'en flambe'
We'll prepare and serve with flair.
A culinary cabaret!"
SO GOOD! I can't wait to go back.
P.S. Crab legs are for dinner time only. Trust me, plates full of crab legs, shrimp, and prime rib make the trip totally worth it. Crab city, bitch. Crab city.
P.P.S. I'm not sure what it was, but I had gas for days after the buffet. It was quite illuminating. I'm not sure if it was the crab, shrimp, prime rib, salad, cheese, prosciutto, cream puffs, chicken noodle soup, clam chowder, asparagus, or the beets, but DAMN, MY SWAG SMELLED GOOD! My friends and I cruised back to the suite after dinner. I guess they weren't so thrilled about the smell of my chow mein swag leaking out of my butthole but WHATEVER! Bottom line, I went to the Rhino afterwards. I'm not sure what the strippers thought about my swag, but whoever smelt it dealt it. LOL bitches be gettin' trolled, son!