Sadly, I'm giving this place one star and an explanation why it is only getting one star. The Manger/operator guy.
Sure, the food here isn't all that bad. Probably a half a notch or so higher than most of the hot slop fast food you can get for lunch. Most of the crew members are pretty attentive, don't seem to be meth addicted, and I see them cleaning the tables on a regular basis. Looks like the crew changes over quite often, and I know why.
My beef is not with the crew members, oh no. Not with the food or cleanliness of the store. Nope. The Manager guy, the guy who looks like a real pussy version of John Leguizamo. This guy ruins about every trip I have to this joint. That is my problem with this joint. Elaboration will proceed now.
This guy is without a doubt one of the biggest assholes I have ever encountered in the fast food industry. Actually, one of the biggest assholes period. What a douche bag. Seems like any time I have a coupon, this guy will literally butt in the middle of the order, give me a ration of shit and do about anything possible not to use it. Seriously, what is it, 30 cents? I had a store coupon that was on a tray liner a while ago and this nutsack got in the middle of the order, cancelled it and refused to let the coupon be used. I asked why and he said it was not legit (why was it on the tray liner then fuckhead?) I checked the menu, they would have lost 10 cents. Lady taking my order after P.J.L. (pussy John Leguizamo) walked away pretty embarassed said "sorry" Not her fault. Never saw her working there after then, was probably tired of that guys shit. I don't blame you.
Last trip here, they have promos on their drink cups for free shit. Awesome. We all know this is the garbage that costs them nothing but I am a sucker for something free. On my trip before the last, I got one for a free corndog. SCORE! I cash it in on my last trip, and the guy ringing up the order said it would be on a different ticket. No sweat, I could give a shit less as long as I get my corndog. Go to get my order, ask where the corndog is. P.J.L. butts in the middle of the order, says "This is your order, this is what you have" and was a fucking prick about it. Me, the customer. Yanks the receipt out of my hand, gives me an attitude about it. Who the fuck talks to a customer like that, even at a low rent fast food joint? Fuck you. Seriously. The guy who took my order tried to explain the situation and dicknose literally looks at him, puts his hand in front of the guys face, and says "ssssshhhhhh" and snaps his fingers the same way I do to my dogs to keep them barking or eating drywall. Who degrades their employees like that? All he was trying to do was explain my free item was on another ticket. Instead of listening, he made a complete asshat out of himself. It was a corndog, what does that cost you anyway, about 12 cents in batter, a stick, and a combination of horse eyeballs and badger penis meat?
Dude (cashier guy, tattoo on your arm), tell that guy to get fucked and get a better job. No one deserves that shit. I am actually ashamed I didn't say something for you, I truly am.
What would have normally gotten a decent review is what it is. My rant speaks for itself. One shithead ruins it for the ones working for him. For the ones working there, I will pray for you. You need it. P.J.L., get out of there and become a pimp in Tijuana, they need midget controlling assholes over there. You would do great at that.