This is a breakfast review. I ordered the 5oz. Country Fried Steak (CFS) and was supremely disappointed. I understand that with a dish such this you want to put a twist on it. Now, I can't say that what I will describe is accurate as far as technique is concerned but I'll paint a clear picture.
First, the hash brown were ok. They are definitely made from fresh, not frozen potatoes. The eggs were done perfectly- I order soft scrambled. The toast was almost dry, which is not bad if you like it that way, but I don't, and my server never came back to ask if I needed anything such as butter.
The CFS arrived extremely dark fried as if it had been double fried- once to cook it, and a second time much later to make it warm for me. The crust was brown and maybe black and tasted of burned fried food. The steak was not tender, had not been pounded, and was very dry, and cooked beyond well done. The battered steak tasted of old oil and left an aftertaste that I washed down with powered iced tea- another WTF. Really? Powdered iced tea?
Recommendation: don't order the CFS. Everything they cook here is a little different from what the norm is. So, expect something- whatever that is.
PLUS SIDE: The Pine Cone has a small pie and pastry case with delicious goodies. I bought the pecan roll. great!