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I've been seeing Dr Kaldy for about 3 months now or so. I only have 4 C's to describe Dr Kaldy. Competent, caring, compassionate and congenial . For me, it is very important to find a physician I can trust and feel comfortable with, one who is warm and attentive and who genuinely cares about my general well being. His staff were equally awesome:) of course, big thanks to my coworker (Ms Gina) who referred me to him for my L shoulder tendonitis, which have not responded to 2 months of physical therapy and OTC pain medications. Also saw 2 Othopedic doctors specializing in shoulder and spine who ordered an MRI of my L shoulder and neck, did'nt do a lot, referred me to a pain doctor but I was too stubborn to oblige, just because that trust factor wasnt established then. Anyway, let us rewind .. I started to feel mild pain and discomfort around 8 months ago before I saw Dr Kaldy. Did not pay attention to it at first, oh, I forgot to mention I am a nurse, and just like most of the nurses out there, (and I know that they can relate to this ) --you want to believe that you are tough, and that you only want to see a doctor when you're dying" or when the condition is already severe . But my pain gradually worsened, it was bothersome, especially when I sleep. Burning sensation from the L shoulder and upper back, pins and needles radiating down my L arm and hand. The quality sleep I so long for especially after working my night shift was elusive. I felt a bit depressed and less social :( To cut the story short, I showed Dr Kaldy my MRI CD-ROM, uploaded it to his computer and he was able to explain to me while looking at the screen together, what was wrong and why the pain. I also found out ( and this, i think most probably arose from a whiplash incident a long time ago) that I have bulging discs from C3 to C5, which obviously could exacerbate my L shoulder/arm pain. This by the way was never discussed by the Ortho docs . A few office visits later, and a referral to Dr Gephardt, ( a very personable doctor, who I believe is one of the best pain doctors/anesthesiologists in town), On May 5th, we decided to do MUA or Manipulation Under Anesthesia. This was of course after researching (and googling) about the pros and cons of the procedure. MUA is generally considered safe and is a non invasive technique to treat chronic pain arising from the cervical, thoracic and lumbar areas. MUA breaks up adhesions ( these can grow around spinal joints , nerve roots, and surrounding muscles resulting in restricted movement and pain ) The procedure was performed at Stonecreek surgery center. I was sedated and in a relaxed "twilight" state. Twilight sedation allows the doctor and in my case, Dr Kaldy to do passive stretches and maneuvers to break up these fibrous adhesions without me resisting the treatment, makes the procedure totally painless. It took them about 15-20 mins to finish. I woke up in recovery 40mins later and was sent home( it is a MUST to bring your spouse to drive you home ). There was some temporary muscle soreness and tenderness to the injection site that i had to ice most of the day. Other than that, i felt a significant increase in range of motion immediately following the procedure. I could do my stretches w/o pain, I could reach my back w/o twitching and after a long time, I felt happy! I still need to do my prescribed set of excercises at home on a regular basis though. A follow up MUA was done 4 weeks later ( He recommended to do it at least after 2 weeks) to make sure that most of the adhesions are completely broken up. At this time, I could feel much better results towards restoration of my flexibility and normal range of motion. All I can say is that, a great team approach is necessary to have a safe and successful outcome. It was normal to feel nervous prior to the procedure because I was (!) but he gave me the reassurance and support I needed. Thankful to have Dr Kaldy ( you had my back, youre the best!) to do my MUA and together with his chiropractor assistant Dr Wagoner, Dr Gephardt of course and the rest of the surgery team at Stonecreek. I would definitely, absolutely, recommend MUA to a friend or a family member or anyone suffering from chronic, painful and restricted range of motion problems. It is a very safe and proven method and there are several studies to support this claim. Dr Kaldy, may I suggest you start your own #teamMUA here in Vegas? It would tremendously help a number of people suffering from pain similar or even worse than mine. #kissyourpaingoodbye #supportteamMUAVegas